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    • n

Docker | Шпаргалка по Docker


zapaDEV Docker Cheat Sheet

docker run

docker ps # показать запущенные контейнеры
docker ps -a || --all # 

docker stop 'container_name' || 'container id' # остановить контейнер "container_name" или "container_id"
docker-compose up                            # запуск контейнеров
docker-compose up -d || --detach             # запуск контейнеров в фоновом режиме
docker-compose down                          # команда позволяет останавливать и удалять контейнеры и другие ресурсы, созданные командой docker-compose up
docker-compose exec [service name] [command] # команда позволяет выполнить команду в выполняющемся контейнере
docker-compose logs -f [service name]        # выводит журналы сервисов
docker-compose ps                            # вывести список контейнеров
docker-compose images                        # вывести список образов

Docker-compose Samples


Структура проектв

  - [hello.dev]
    - index.php
  - hello-dev.conf
  - [php]
    - dockerfile
    - php.ini


# Для начала указываем исходный образ, он будет использован как основа
FROM php:7.1-fpm
# Необязательная строка с указанием автора образа
MAINTAINER PHPtoday.ru <info@phptoday.ru>

# RUN выполняет идущую за ней команду в контексте нашего образа.
# В данном случае мы установим некоторые зависимости и модули PHP.
# Для установки модулей используем команду docker-php-ext-install.
# На каждый RUN создается новый слой в образе, поэтому рекомендуется объединять команды.
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
        curl \
        wget \
        git \
        libfreetype6-dev \
        libjpeg62-turbo-dev \
        libmcrypt-dev \
        libpng-dev \
    && docker-php-ext-install -j$(nproc) iconv mcrypt mbstring mysqli pdo_mysql zip \
    && docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-freetype-dir=/usr/include/ --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/include/ \
    && docker-php-ext-install -j$(nproc) gd
# Куда же без composer'а.
RUN curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer

# Добавим свой php.ini, можем в нем определять свои значения конфига
ADD php.ini /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/40-custom.ini

# Указываем рабочую директорию для PHP
WORKDIR /var/www

# Запускаем контейнер
# Из документации: The main purpose of a CMD is to provide defaults for an executing container. These defaults can include an executable, 
# or they can omit the executable, in which case you must specify an ENTRYPOINT instruction as well.
CMD ["php-fpm"]

Также в этой папке создадим пока пустой php.ini, чтобы не было ошибки при сборке образа. Можете добавить в него нужные вам настройки.


# Версия docker-compose
version: '2'
# Список наших сервисов (контейнеров)
        # используем последний стабильный образ nginx
        image: nginx:latest
        # маршрутизируем порты
            - "80:80"
            - "443:443"
        # монтируем директории, слева директории на основной машине, справа - куда они монтируются в контейнере
            - ./hosts:/etc/nginx/conf.d
            - ./www:/var/www
            - ./logs:/var/log/nginx
        # nginx должен общаться с php контейнером
            - php
        # у нас свой образ для PHP, указываем путь к нему и говорим что его надо собрать
        build: ./images/php
        # этот образ будет общаться с mysql
            - mysql
        # монтируем директорию с проектами
            - ./www:/var/www
        image: mysql:8
            - "3306:3306"
            - ./mysql:/var/lib/mysql
        # задаем пароль для root пользователя
            MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: secret


server {
    index index.php;
    server_name hello.dev;
    error_log  /var/log/nginx/error.log;
    access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
    root /var/www/hello.dev;

    location ~ \.php$ {
        try_files $uri =404;
        fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
        fastcgi_pass php:9000;
        fastcgi_index index.php;
        include fastcgi_params;
        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
        fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info;



version: '3'
# docker-compose up -d
  # https://hub.docker.com/_/wordpress
    image: wordpress:4.1
      - 80:80
      WORDPRESS_DB_USER: azzrael
      - db
      - ./dev/my_plugin:/var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/my_plugin
      - ./html:/var/www/html
  # https://hub.docker.com/_/mysql
    image: mysql:5.7
      MYSQL_DATABASE: wpdb
      MYSQL_USER: azzrael
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: password
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: rootpswd
      - ./mysql:/var/lib/mysql
  # https://hub.docker.com/_/phpmyadmin
    image: phpmyadmin
      - db
      - 8081:80


# Файл docker-compose должен начинаться с тега версии.
# Мы используем "3" так как это - самая свежая версия на момент написания этого кода.

version: "3"

# Следует учитывать, что docker-composes работает с сервисами.
# 1 сервис = 1 контейнер.
# Сервисом может быть клиент, сервер, сервер баз данных...
# Раздел, в котором будут описаны сервисы, начинается с 'services'.


  # Как уже было сказано, мы собираемся создать клиентское и серверное приложения.
  # Это означает, что нам нужно два сервиса.
  # Первый сервис (контейнер): сервер.
  # Назвать его можно так, как нужно разработчику.
  # Понятное название сервиса помогает определить его роль.
  # Здесь мы, для именования соответствующего сервиса, используем ключевое слово 'server'.

    # Ключевое слово "build" позволяет задать
    # путь к файлу Dockerfile, который нужно использовать для создания образа,
    # который позволит запустить сервис.
    # Здесь 'server/' соответствует пути к папке сервера,
    # которая содержит соответствующий Dockerfile.

    build: server/

    # Команда, которую нужно запустить после создания образа.
    # Следующая команда означает запуск "python ./server.py".

    command: python ./server.py

    # Вспомните о том, что в качестве порта в 'server/server.py' указан порт 1234.
    # Если мы хотим обратиться к серверу с нашего компьютера (находясь за пределами контейнера),
    # мы должны организовать перенаправление этого порта на порт компьютера.
    # Сделать это нам поможет ключевое слово 'ports'.
    # При его использовании применяется следующая конструкция: [порт компьютера]:[порт контейнера]
    # В нашем случае нужно использовать порт компьютера 1234 и организовать его связь с портом
    # 1234 контейнера (так как именно на этот порт сервер 
    # ожидает поступления запросов).

      - 1234:1234

  # Второй сервис (контейнер): клиент.
  # Этот сервис назван 'client'.

    # Здесь 'client/ соответствует пути к папке, которая содержит
    # файл Dockerfile для клиентской части системы.

    build: client/

    # Команда, которую нужно запустить после создания образа.
    # Следующая команда означает запуск "python ./client.py".
    command: python ./client.py

    # Ключевое слово 'network_mode' используется для описания типа сети.
    # Тут мы указываем то, что контейнер может обращаться к 'localhost' компьютера.

    network_mode: host

    # Ключевое слово 'depends_on' позволяет указывать, должен ли сервис,
    # прежде чем запуститься, ждать, когда будут готовы к работе другие сервисы.
    # Нам нужно, чтобы сервис 'client' дождался бы готовности к работе сервиса 'server'.
      - server



MERN — это аббревиатура от MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js. С помощью Docker Compose можно легко реализовать фулстек-приложение. MERN является одним из популярных решений. Оно объединяет веб-сервер, базу данных и фреймворки для бэкенда и фронтенда.

Обычно структура папок MERN-проекта выглядит следующим образом:

├── backend
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ...
├── compose.yaml
├── frontend
│   ├── ...
│   └── Dockerfile
└── README.md
    build: frontend
      - 3000:3000
    stdin_open: true
      - ./frontend:/usr/src/app
      - /usr/src/app/node_modules
    container_name: frontend
    restart: always
      - react-express
      - backend

    container_name: backend
    restart: always
    build: backend
      - ./backend:/usr/src/app
      - /usr/src/app/node_modules
      - mongo
      - express-mongo
      - react-express

    container_name: mongo
    restart: always
    image: mongo:4.2.0
      - ./data:/data/db
      - express-mongo


Docker Tutorial

Table of Contents

Why Docker

"With Docker, developers can build any app in any language using any toolchain. “Dockerized” apps are completely portable and can run anywhere - colleagues’ OS X and Windows laptops, QA servers running Ubuntu in the cloud, and production data center VMs running Red Hat.

Developers can get going quickly by starting with one of the 13,000+ apps available on Docker Hub. Docker manages and tracks changes and dependencies, making it easier for sysadmins to understand how the apps that developers build work. And with Docker Hub, developers can automate their build pipeline and share artifacts with collaborators through public or private repositories.

Docker helps developers build and ship higher-quality applications, faster." -- What is Docker


I use Oh My Zsh with the Docker plugin for autocompletion of docker commands. YMMV.


The 3.10.x kernel is the minimum requirement for Docker.


10.8 “Mountain Lion” or newer is required.

Windows 10

Hyper-V must be enabled in BIOS

VT-D must also be enabled if available (Intel Processors).

Windows Server

Windows Server 2016 is the minimum version required to install docker and docker-compose. Limitations exist on this version, such as multiple virtual networks and Linux containers. Windows Server 2019 and later are recommended.



Run this quick and easy install script provided by Docker:

curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh

If you're not willing to run a random shell script, please see the installation instructions for your distribution.

If you are a complete Docker newbie, you should follow the series of tutorials now.


Download and install Docker Community Edition. if you have Homebrew-Cask, just type brew cask install docker. Or Download and install Docker Toolbox. Docker For Mac is nice, but it's not quite as finished as the VirtualBox install. See the comparison.

NOTE Docker Toolbox is legacy. You should to use Docker Community Edition, See Docker Toolbox.

Once you've installed Docker Community Edition, click the docker icon in Launchpad. Then start up a container:

docker run hello-world

That's it, you have a running Docker container.

If you are a complete Docker newbie, you should probably follow the series of tutorials now.

Windows 10

Instructions to install Docker Desktop for Windows can be found here

Once installed, open powershell as administrator and run:

# Display the version of docker installed:
docker version

# Pull, create, and run 'hello-world':
docker run hello-world

To continue with this cheat sheet, right click the Docker icon in the system tray, and go to settings. In order to mount volumes, the C:/ drive will need to be enabled in the settings to that information can be passed into the containers (later described in this article).

To switch between Windows containers and Linux containers, right click the icon in the system tray and click the button to switch container operating system Doing this will stop the current containers that are running, and make them unaccessible until the container OS is switched back.

Additionally, if you have WSL or WSL2 installed on your desktop, you might want to install the Linux Kernel for Windows. Instructions can be found here. This requires the Windows Subsystem for Linux feature. This will allow for containers to be accessed by WSL operating systems, as well as the efficiency gain from running WSL operating systems in docker. It is also preferred to use Windows terminal for this.

Windows Server 2016 / 2019

Follow Microsoft's instructions that can be found here

If using the latest edge version of 2019, be prepared to only work in powershell, as it is only a servercore image (no desktop interface). When starting this machine, it will login and go straight to a powershell window. It is reccomended to install text editors and other tools using Chocolatey.

After installing, these commands will work:

# Display the version of docker installed:
docker version

# Pull, create, and run 'hello-world':
docker run hello-world

Windows Server 2016 is not able to run Linux images.

Windows Server Build 2004 is capable of running both linux and windows containers simultaneously through Hyper-V isolation. When running containers, use the --isolation=hyperv command, which will isolate the container using a seperate kernel instance.

Check Version

It is very important that you always know the current version of Docker you are currently running on at any point in time. This is very helpful because you get to know what features are compatible with what you have running. This is also important because you know what containers to run from the docker store when you are trying to get template containers. That said let see how to know which version of docker we have running currently.

Get the server version:

$ docker version --format '{{.Server.Version}}'

You can also dump raw JSON data:

$ docker version --format '{{json .}}'


Your basic isolated Docker process. Containers are to Virtual Machines as threads are to processes. Or you can think of them as chroots on steroids.


Normally if you run a container without options it will start and stop immediately, if you want keep it running you can use the command, docker run -td container_id this will use the option -t that will allocate a pseudo-TTY session and -d that will detach automatically the container (run container in background and print container ID).

If you want a transient container, docker run --rm will remove the container after it stops.

If you want to map a directory on the host to a docker container, docker run -v $HOSTDIR:$DOCKERDIR. Also see Volumes.

If you want to remove also the volumes associated with the container, the deletion of the container must include the -v switch like in docker rm -v.

There's also a logging driver available for individual containers in docker 1.10. To run docker with a custom log driver (i.e., to syslog), use docker run --log-driver=syslog.

Another useful option is docker run --name yourname docker_image because when you specify the --name inside the run command this will allow you to start and stop a container by calling it with the name the you specified when you created it.

Starting and Stopping

If you want to detach from a running container, use Ctrl + p, Ctrl + q. If you want to integrate a container with a host process manager, start the daemon with -r=false then use docker start -a.

If you want to expose container ports through the host, see the exposing ports section.

Restart policies on crashed docker instances are covered here.

CPU Constraints

You can limit CPU, either using a percentage of all CPUs, or by using specific cores.

For example, you can tell the cpu-shares setting. The setting is a bit strange -- 1024 means 100% of the CPU, so if you want the container to take 50% of all CPU cores, you should specify 512. See https://goldmann.pl/blog/2014/09/11/resource-management-in-docker/#_cpu for more:

docker run -it -c 512 agileek/cpuset-test

You can also only use some CPU cores using cpuset-cpus. See https://agileek.github.io/docker/2014/08/06/docker-cpuset/ for details and some nice videos:

docker run -it --cpuset-cpus=0,4,6 agileek/cpuset-test

Note that Docker can still see all of the CPUs inside the container -- it just isn't using all of them. See https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/20770 for more details.

Memory Constraints

You can also set memory constraints on Docker:

docker run -it -m 300M ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash

Linux capabilities can be set by using cap-add and cap-drop. See https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#/runtime-privilege-and-linux-capabilities for details. This should be used for greater security.

To mount a FUSE based filesystem, you need to combine both --cap-add and --device:

docker run --rm -it --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --device /dev/fuse sshfs

Give access to a single device:

docker run -it --device=/dev/ttyUSB0 debian bash

Give access to all devices:

docker run -it --privileged -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb debian bash

More info about privileged containers here.


  • docker ps shows running containers.
  • docker logs gets logs from container. (You can use a custom log driver, but logs is only available for json-file and journald in 1.10).
  • docker inspect looks at all the info on a container (including IP address).
  • docker events gets events from container.
  • docker port shows public facing port of container.
  • docker top shows running processes in container.
  • docker stats shows containers' resource usage statistics.
  • docker diff shows changed files in the container's FS.

docker ps -a shows running and stopped containers.

docker stats --all shows a list of all containers, default shows just running.

Import / Export

  • docker cp copies files or folders between a container and the local filesystem.
  • docker export turns container filesystem into tarball archive stream to STDOUT.

Executing Commands

To enter a running container, attach a new shell process to a running container called foo, use: docker exec -it foo /bin/bash.


Images are just templates for docker containers.


  • docker images shows all images.
  • docker import creates an image from a tarball.
  • docker build creates image from Dockerfile.
  • docker commit creates image from a container, pausing it temporarily if it is running.
  • docker rmi removes an image.
  • docker load loads an image from a tar archive as STDIN, including images and tags (as of 0.7).
  • docker save saves an image to a tar archive stream to STDOUT with all parent layers, tags & versions (as of 0.7).


Cleaning up

While you can use the docker rmi command to remove specific images, there's a tool called docker-gc that will safely clean up images that are no longer used by any containers. As of docker 1.13, docker image prune is also available for removing unused images. See Prune.

Load/Save image

Load an image from file:

docker load < my_image.tar.gz

Save an existing image:

docker save my_image:my_tag | gzip > my_image.tar.gz

Import/Export container

Import a container as an image from file:

cat my_container.tar.gz | docker import - my_image:my_tag

Export an existing container:

docker export my_container | gzip > my_container.tar.gz

Difference between loading a saved image and importing an exported container as an image

Loading an image using the load command creates a new image including its history.
Importing a container as an image using the import command creates a new image excluding the history which results in a smaller image size compared to loading an image.


Docker has a networks feature. Docker automatically creates 3 network interfaces when you install it (bridge, host none). A new container is launched into the bridge network by default. To enable communication between multiple containers, you can create a new network and launch containers in it. This enables containers to communicate to each other while being isolated from containers that are not connected to the network. Furthermore, it allows to map container names to their IP addresses. See working with networks for more details.


  • docker network create NAME Create a new network (default type: bridge).
  • docker network rm NAME Remove one or more networks by name or identifier. No containers can be connected to the network when deleting it.



You can specify a specific IP address for a container:

# create a new bridge network with your subnet and gateway for your ip block
docker network create --subnet --gateway iptastic

# run a nginx container with a specific ip in that block
$ docker run --rm -it --net iptastic --ip nginx

# curl the ip from any other place (assuming this is a public ip block duh)
$ curl

Registry & Repository

A repository is a hosted collection of tagged images that together create the file system for a container.

A registry is a host -- a server that stores repositories and provides an HTTP API for managing the uploading and downloading of repositories.

Docker.com hosts its own index to a central registry which contains a large number of repositories. Having said that, the central docker registry does not do a good job of verifying images and should be avoided if you're worried about security.

Run local registry

You can run a local registry by using the docker distribution project and looking at the local deploy instructions.

Also see the mailing list.


The configuration file. Sets up a Docker container when you run docker build on it. Vastly preferable to docker commit.

Here are some common text editors and their syntax highlighting modules you could use to create Dockerfiles:


  • .dockerignore
  • FROM Sets the Base Image for subsequent instructions.
  • MAINTAINER (deprecated - use LABEL instead) Set the Author field of the generated images.
  • RUN execute any commands in a new layer on top of the current image and commit the results.
  • CMD provide defaults for an executing container.
  • EXPOSE informs Docker that the container listens on the specified network ports at runtime. NOTE: does not actually make ports accessible.
  • ENV sets environment variable.
  • ADD copies new files, directories or remote file to container. Invalidates caches. Avoid ADD and use COPY instead.
  • COPY copies new files or directories to container. By default this copies as root regardless of the USER/WORKDIR settings. Use --chown=<user>:<group> to give ownership to another user/group. (Same for ADD.)
  • ENTRYPOINT configures a container that will run as an executable.
  • VOLUME creates a mount point for externally mounted volumes or other containers.
  • USER sets the user name for following RUN / CMD / ENTRYPOINT commands.
  • WORKDIR sets the working directory.
  • ARG defines a build-time variable.
  • ONBUILD adds a trigger instruction when the image is used as the base for another build.
  • STOPSIGNAL sets the system call signal that will be sent to the container to exit.
  • LABEL apply key/value metadata to your images, containers, or daemons.
  • SHELL override default shell is used by docker to run commands.
  • HEALTHCHECK tells docker how to test a container to check that it is still working.




The versioned filesystem in Docker is based on layers. They're like git commits or changesets for filesystems.

Links are how Docker containers talk to each other through TCP/IP ports. Atlassian show worked examples. You can also resolve links by hostname.

This has been deprecated to some extent by user-defined networks.

NOTE: If you want containers to ONLY communicate with each other through links, start the docker daemon with -icc=false to disable inter process communication.

If you have a container with the name CONTAINER (specified by docker run --name CONTAINER) and in the Dockerfile, it has an exposed port:


Then if we create another container called LINKED like so:

docker run -d --link CONTAINER:ALIAS --name LINKED user/wordpress

Then the exposed ports and aliases of CONTAINER will show up in LINKED with the following environment variables:


And you can connect to it that way.

To delete links, use docker rm --link.

Generally, linking between docker services is a subset of "service discovery", a big problem if you're planning to use Docker at scale in production. Please read The Docker Ecosystem: Service Discovery and Distributed Configuration Stores for more info.


Docker volumes are free-floating filesystems. They don't have to be connected to a particular container. You can use volumes mounted from data-only containers for portability. As of Docker 1.9.0, Docker has named volumes which replace data-only containers. Consider using named volumes to implement it rather than data containers.



Volumes are useful in situations where you can't use links (which are TCP/IP only). For instance, if you need to have two docker instances communicate by leaving stuff on the filesystem.

You can mount them in several docker containers at once, using docker run --volumes-from.

Because volumes are isolated filesystems, they are often used to store state from computations between transient containers. That is, you can have a stateless and transient container run from a recipe, blow it away, and then have a second instance of the transient container pick up from where the last one left off.

See advanced volumes for more details. Container42 is also helpful.

You can map MacOS host directories as docker volumes:

docker run -v /Users/wsargent/myapp/src:/src

You can use remote NFS volumes if you're feeling brave.

You may also consider running data-only containers as described here to provide some data portability.

Be aware that you can mount files as volumes.

Exposing ports

Exposing incoming ports through the host container is fiddly but doable.

This is done by mapping the container port to the host port (only using localhost interface) using -p:

  --name CONTAINER \
  -t someimage

You can tell Docker that the container listens on the specified network ports at runtime by using EXPOSE:


Note that EXPOSE does not expose the port itself - only -p will do that.

To expose the container's port on your localhost's port, run:

iptables -t nat -A DOCKER -p tcp --dport <LOCALHOSTPORT> -j DNAT --to-destination <CONTAINERIP>:<PORT>

If you're running Docker in Virtualbox, you then need to forward the port there as well, using forwarded_port. Define a range of ports in your Vagrantfile like this so you can dynamically map them:

Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|

  (49000..49900).each do |port|
    config.vm.network :forwarded_port, :host => port, :guest => port


If you forget what you mapped the port to on the host container, use docker port to show it:


Best Practices

This is where general Docker best practices and war stories go:


Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, you use a YAML file to configure your application’s services. Then, with a single command, you create and start all the services from your configuration. To learn more about all the features of Compose, see the list of features.

By using the following command you can start up your application:

docker-compose -f <docker-compose-file> up

You can also run docker-compose in detached mode using -d flag, then you can stop it whenever needed by the following command:

docker-compose stop

You can bring everything down, removing the containers entirely, with the down command. Pass --volumes to also remove the data volume.


This is where security tips about Docker go. The Docker security page goes into more detail.

First things first: Docker runs as root. If you are in the docker group, you effectively have root access. If you expose the docker unix socket to a container, you are giving the container root access to the host.

Docker should not be your only defense. You should secure and harden it.

For an understanding of what containers leave exposed, you should read Understanding and Hardening Linux Containers by Aaron Grattafiori. This is a complete and comprehensive guide to the issues involved with containers, with a plethora of links and footnotes leading on to yet more useful content. The security tips following are useful if you've already hardened containers in the past, but are not a substitute for understanding.

Security Tips

For greatest security, you want to run Docker inside a virtual machine. This is straight from the Docker Security Team Lead -- slides / notes. Then, run with AppArmor / seccomp / SELinux / grsec etc to limit the container permissions. See the Docker 1.10 security features for more details.

Docker image ids are sensitive information and should not be exposed to the outside world. Treat them like passwords.

See the Docker Security Cheat Sheet by Thomas Sjögren: some good stuff about container hardening in there.

Check out the docker bench security script, download the white papers.

Snyk's 10 Docker Image Security Best Practices cheat sheet

You should start off by using a kernel with unstable patches for grsecurity / pax compiled in, such as Alpine Linux. If you are using grsecurity in production, you should spring for commercial support for the stable patches, same as you would do for RedHat. It's $200 a month, which is nothing to your devops budget.

Since docker 1.11 you can easily limit the number of active processes running inside a container to prevent fork bombs. This requires a linux kernel >= 4.3 with CGROUP_PIDS=y to be in the kernel configuration.

docker run --pids-limit=64

Also available since docker 1.11 is the ability to prevent processes from gaining new privileges. This feature have been in the linux kernel since version 3.5. You can read more about it in this blog post.

docker run --security-opt=no-new-privileges

From the Docker Security Cheat Sheet (it's in PDF which makes it hard to use, so copying below) by Container Solutions:

Turn off interprocess communication with:

docker -d --icc=false --iptables

Set the container to be read-only:

docker run --read-only

Verify images with a hashsum:

docker pull debian@sha256:a25306f3850e1bd44541976aa7b5fd0a29be

Set volumes to be read only:

docker run -v $(pwd)/secrets:/secrets:ro debian

Define and run a user in your Dockerfile so you don't run as root inside the container:

RUN groupadd -r user && useradd -r -g user user
USER user

User Namespaces

There's also work on user namespaces -- it is in 1.10 but is not enabled by default.

To enable user namespaces ("remap the userns") in Ubuntu 15.10, follow the blog example.

Security Videos

Security Roadmap

The Docker roadmap talks about seccomp support. There is an AppArmor policy generator called bane, and they're working on security profiles.




The new Data Management Commands have landed as of Docker 1.13:

  • docker system prune
  • docker volume prune
  • docker network prune
  • docker container prune
  • docker image prune


docker system df presents a summary of the space currently used by different docker objects.

Heredoc Docker Container

docker build -t htop - << EOF
FROM alpine
RUN apk --no-cache add htop

Last IDs

alias dl='docker ps -l -q'
docker run ubuntu echo hello world
docker commit $(dl) helloworld

Commit with command (needs Dockerfile)

docker commit -run='{"Cmd":["postgres", "-too -many -opts"]}' $(dl) postgres

Get IP address

docker inspect $(dl) | grep -wm1 IPAddress | cut -d '"' -f 4

Or with jq installed:

docker inspect $(dl) | jq -r '.[0].NetworkSettings.IPAddress'

Or using a go template:

docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' <container_name>

Or when building an image from Dockerfile, when you want to pass in a build argument:

DOCKER_HOST_IP=`ifconfig | grep -E "([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}" | grep -v | awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -f2 -d: | head -n1`
docker build \
  -t sometag \

Get port mapping

docker inspect -f '{{range $p, $conf := .NetworkSettings.Ports}} {{$p}} -> {{(index $conf 0).HostPort}} {{end}}' <containername>

Find containers by regular expression

for i in $(docker ps -a | grep "REGEXP_PATTERN" | cut -f1 -d" "); do echo $i; done

Get Environment Settings

docker run --rm ubuntu env

Kill running containers

docker kill $(docker ps -q)

Delete all containers (force!! running or stopped containers)

docker rm -f $(docker ps -qa)

Delete old containers

docker ps -a | grep 'weeks ago' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker rm

Delete stopped containers

docker rm -v $(docker ps -a -q -f status=exited)

Delete containers after stopping

docker stop $(docker ps -aq) && docker rm -v $(docker ps -aq)

Delete dangling images

docker rmi $(docker images -q -f dangling=true)

Delete all images

docker rmi $(docker images -q)

Delete dangling volumes

As of Docker 1.9:

docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q -f dangling=true)

In 1.9.0, the filter dangling=false does not work - it is ignored and will list all volumes.

Show image dependencies

docker images -viz | dot -Tpng -o docker.png

Slimming down Docker containers

  • Cleaning APT in a RUN layer - This should be done in the same layer as other apt commands. Otherwise, the previous layers still persist the original information and your images will still be fat.
    RUN {apt commands} \
      && apt-get clean \
      && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*
  • Flatten an image
    ID=$(docker run -d image-name /bin/bash)
    docker export $ID | docker import – flat-image-name
  • For backup
    ID=$(docker run -d image-name /bin/bash)
    (docker export $ID | gzip -c > image.tgz)
    gzip -dc image.tgz | docker import - flat-image-name

Monitor system resource utilization for running containers

To check the CPU, memory, and network I/O usage of a single container, you can use:

docker stats <container>

For all containers listed by ID:

docker stats $(docker ps -q)

For all containers listed by name:

docker stats $(docker ps --format '{{.Names}}')

For all containers listed by image:

docker ps -a -f ancestor=ubuntu

Remove all untagged images:

docker rmi $(docker images | grep “^” | awk '{split($0,a," "); print a[3]}')

Remove container by a regular expression:

docker ps -a | grep wildfly | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker rm -f

Remove all exited containers:

docker rm -f $(docker ps -a | grep Exit | awk '{ print $1 }')

Volumes can be files

Be aware that you can mount files as volumes. For example you can inject a configuration file like this:

# copy file from container
docker run --rm httpd cat /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf > httpd.conf

# edit file
vim httpd.conf

# start container with modified configuration
docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD/httpd.conf:/usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf:ro" -p "80:80" httpd


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