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Wordpress - WP_Query | Шпаргалка по WP_Query

Медоды экземпляра класса WP_Query

__call() — Make private/protected methods readable for backward compatibility.
__construct() — Constructor.
__get() — Make private properties readable for backward compatibility.
__isset() — Make private properties checkable for backward compatibility.
fill_query_vars() — Fills in the query variables, which do not exist within the parameter.
generate_postdata() — Generate post data.
get() — Retrieves the value of a query variable.
get_posts() — Retrieves an array of posts based on query variables.
get_queried_object() — Retrieves the currently queried object.
get_queried_object_id() — Retrieves the ID of the currently queried object.
get_search_stopwords() — Retrieve stopwords used when parsing search terms.
have_comments() — Whether there are more comments available.
have_posts() — Determines whether there are more posts available in the loop.
init() — Initiates object properties and sets default values. init_query_flags() — Resets query flags to false.
is_404() — Is the query a 404 (returns no results)
is_archive() — Is the query for an existing archive page
is_attachment() — Is the query for an existing attachment page
is_author() — Is the query for an existing author archive page
is_category() — Is the query for an existing category archive page
is_comment_feed() — Is the query for a comments feed
is_comments_popup() — Whether the current URL is within the comments popup window. — deprecated
is_date() — Is the query for an existing date archive
is_day() — Is the query for an existing day archive
is_embed() — Is the query for an embedded post
is_favicon() — Is the query for the favicon.ico file
is_feed() — Is the query for a feed
is_front_page() — Is the query for the front page of the site
is_home() — Is the query for the blog homepage
is_main_query() — Is the query the main query
is_month() — Is the query for an existing month archive
is_page() — Is the query for an existing single page
is_paged() — Is the query for a paged result and not for the first page
is_post_type_archive() — Is the query for an existing post type archive page
is_preview() — Is the query for a post or page preview
is_privacy_policy() — Is the query for the Privacy Policy page
is_robots() — Is the query for the robots.txt file
is_search() — Is the query for a search
is_single() — Is the query for an existing single post
is_singular() — Is the query for an existing single post of any post type (post, attachment, page, custom post types)
is_tag() — Is the query for an existing tag archive page
is_tax() — Is the query for an existing custom taxonomy archive page
is_time() — Is the query for a specific time
is_trackback() — Is the query for a trackback endpoint call
is_year() — Is the query for an existing year archive
lazyload_comment_meta() — Lazyload comment meta for comments in the loop. — deprecated
lazyload_term_meta() — Lazyload term meta for posts in the loop. — deprecated
next_comment() — Iterate current comment index and return WP_Comment object.
next_post() — Set up the next post and iterate current post index.
parse_order() — Parse an 'order' query variable and cast it to ASC or DESC as necessary.
parse_orderby() — Converts the given orderby alias (if allowed) to a properly-prefixed value.
parse_query() — Parse a query string and set query type booleans.
parse_query_vars() — Reparse the query vars.
parse_search() — Generates SQL for the WHERE clause based on passed search terms.
parse_search_order() — Generates SQL for the ORDER BY condition based on passed search terms.
parse_search_terms() — Check if the terms are suitable for searching.
parse_tax_query() — Parses various taxonomy related query vars.
query() — Sets up the WordPress query by parsing query string.
reset_postdata() — After looping through a nested query, this function restores the $post global to the current post in this query.
rewind_comments() — Rewind the comments, resets the comment index and comment to first.
rewind_posts() — Rewind the posts and reset post index.
set() — Sets the value of a query variable.
set_404() — Sets the 404 property and saves whether query is feed.
set_found_posts() — Set up the amount of found posts and the number of pages (if limit clause was used) for the current query.
setup_postdata() — Set up global post data.
the_comment() — Sets up the current comment.
the_post() — Sets up the current post.